Wednesday, November 5, 2008

your guilty pleasure is me..

" Its so much fun, you shun therapy. Although it never be, the feeling is fleeting. Shopping's like coppin', you constantly need it. I'm never around, you constantly seek it "

Hello Mr. President.

& of course I am one of the many that voted ... voted for him. Let's hope with all this recession & bankruptcy we see progression over the years. On another note....

I woke up & smelled the coffee, I had a rude awakening. I'm going to move along. You weren't all that was cracked up to be buddy =[

P.S. I am now obsessed with these makeup tutorials on youtube :D
& I now want....

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& yes, I cracked down... & bought black glossy leggings... at Target (:

sigh, I'm going to get my life together - together, I know what to do. No more distractions. It was fun for the moment, but seriously I'm going to buckle down.

I'm not in love.... this is not my heart. I'm not going to waste this words, about a..
boy (;

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