Tuesday, December 30, 2008

...wrap me up & breathe me.

Yesterday, I went mad shopping, a little peek of what I bought, aw you should see my metal studded flat jeffrey cambell look-alike shoes I bought at Charlotte, $18 :] Went to Townsquare, bumped into, faces I keep running into. Lol if i stop talking shit? will they ever leave me alone. Lately though I've been bumping into alot of faces. I've been so noncholant. I wonder if they take that as... me being rude, haha sorry !
After all that went bowling at Sam's Town ... & the highest I scored was an 88. How sad, lol I don't bowl anymore.
Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, definitely not going to have a kiss, I have to babysit. But hello 2009, goodbye 2008. A lot of of mishaps, lost's, lessons learned, growth, friendships, food, "cherry popping". I will never forget my babylove tica. I will never forget to keep moving forward, and live tha good life. I'm thankful, I can only hope & pray that this new year will bring more hits than misses.

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