Friday, October 17, 2008

so you walk around like you don't know me...

"you got a new friend, but i got homies, but in the end it's still so lonely" -kanye west, heartless.

I love this song right now, I've been listening to it, for 2 days straight. It's on my blogspot playlist. I've been meaning to update it. I hear Kanye West's new album is going to be " off the hook". Lately I've been frustrated & I'm just going to take out all my discontent, & rage towards working out, & pampering myself. P.S. Bitch, I'm not going to budge!

I want a new digital camera, I broke mine ... a month ago?

Since when did Forever21, start selling " glossy leggings ". Interesting, I wonder how long that will last.

I wish I wasn't viewed as " an object". I wish people weren't so judgmental, that being said, it's a dog eat world. You whore yourself out there. I would like to experiment more. More than ever, I'd like to be proven wrong. At the end of the day, literally people would like to take a piece. & then this all goes back to my post about being fucked over. ... two phrases. Do you. & if it makes you happy.